📍 Wakapasi, KOMEKI cabana #8, Palmentuin, Suriname.

Opening hours

Thursday 9:00 AM- 12:00 PM (Breakfast) | 4:00 PM- 9:00 PM (Dinner)

Friday 9:00 AM- 12:00 PM (Breakfast) | 4:00 PM- 9:00 PM (Dinner)

Saturday 4:00 PM- 9:00 PM (Dinner)

Saturday 4:00 PM- 9:00 PM (Dinner)

Current location:


As a traveling chef I get to experience so many beautiful places in the world. I am currently in Suriname for a few fun and exciting projects.

While I am here my purpose is to share my knowledge and fooood!

You can now visit me at Wakapasi, Komeki shop #8, Palmentuin Suriname.

The restaurant will be open for 1 month, starting June 23rd, 2024.

Let’s go explore the beauty of Suriname and have fun cooking experiences together. Learn how to cook your own Caribbean plant- based food and get intune with Nature.

5 courses. Fully plant-based with a touch of the Surinamese culture.

Upcoming events


  • A Trip to Suriname

    8 days

    August 2- August 9, 2024.

    This ITAL MOMMA RETREAT represents roots and culture. This retreat in Suriname stands in the light of my own culture and the beautiful Nature sights in Suriname and delicious food.

    Wellness. Adventure. Roots. Culture. ITAL food. Rivers. Waterfalls. Fun.

  • A Trip to Sint Maarten

    6 days

    November 1- November 6, 2024.

    This ITAL MOMMA RETREAT stands in the light of Health, strength and amazing plant- based food. This trip is hosted alongside Chef Raul (Alchemy By Raul). We aim to allow you to experience the ‘Friendly Island’ and her beauty.